FAQ: Didn't receive the email with MansFN access credentials

What if several of my employees have not received notifications with access links, sent by the system?

This situation has to be taken into account both due to the spam filters installed in the e-mails and due to the purely human factor - the e-mail has not been noticed, deleted, etc.

It is worth checking not only the main e-mail inbox, but also Spam, Subscribed E-mail, Ads, Junk etc.

If it is not there, then as an administrator you can open the list of employees, find the specific employee and manually change the password for him. You can pass the new access to the employee, and if you save the changes, they will be able to log in with the access you granted.


What if I have not received my new password in email after requesting it in system?

If you have not received the new password in your e-mail, first of all, please check the e-mail a moment later (there are situations when sending of the password may be delayed).

Secondly, check if it has not entered the spam, subscribed, ads etc. mailbox. If you really have not received it, write an e-mail to info@fnserviss.lv, indicating the company, your name and surname and describing the problem.